Why prints matter ? | Dallas Portrait Photographer

Here is a big topic that I could probably discuss over and over again, but I choose to make my clients happy. I know this day in age, disc of your images are the only thing you want. Why? because you can take it anywhere to get your pictures printed for a lot cheaper and a whole lot more for the price of ONE of my prints prices. PLUS, most of you use it for Facebook, or Twitter, maybe even for Google +. Some may even still use MySpace. C’mon now, who hasn’t uploaded more pictures since all of these have come around? I totally understand because without out any of these social media sites,  I wouldn’t be uploading any pictures of myself, and that’s just because I don’t like pictures of myself; however, I mainly do it because I have family or friends that I don’t see every day. Of course Gramma wants to see how much you’ve grown since elementary school to your graduating day! However, I strongly believe in taking a small step in making them physical copies to last for a lifetime because let’s face it, it’s only a matter of time until the next big social media site hits, and you’ll delete everything from your current site, and start all over on a new site. Would you have all those pictures go to waste?

Since the world is on a technology craze these years, it’s only a matter of time when CD’s & DVDs are going to vanish. Remember those old floppy disc’s that we thought were so amazing? Look where they are now, 95% of computers don’t even take them anymore, and most stores don’t have the ability to change those to any sort of way to retrieve them again. How devastating would that be to know that your wedding photos were on a CD and you didn’t get all of them printed because you kept thinking to yourself, I can do it tomorrow, but then tomorrow turns into years, and then etc.

Sometimes, my PC tends to have a lot of things on there, from personal to business related, and sometimes it loses itself and goes bonkers. My dad is an IT, so he could fix my computer, but every single time he does, the entire data is erased, so no family pictures from vacation to  no pictures with my friends from school or outings. All of it BOOM, gone forever. When it finally hit me that the most important one is the last few years of my grandfather’s life, I was completely devastated. All the pictures with our big family together, POOF! Since now, nothing is the same as it use to be.

If you’ve ever lost any important photo due to technology, then you can understand why it’s so important to purchase prints instead of a CD or DVD. However, I’m not against them because I sell them to my clients, but I know most of them forget to actually print them out. I just hope that this blog reminds you of how important printing your pictures really are instead of just showing them off to Facebook or any social media site. I will however be changing my print packages to include a few of your most favorite portraits from the session to let you show them off to Facebook. Like I said, I’m not against purchasing a CD or DVD at all, I’m just simply saying that the real thing makes it so much better!

Quote to end the blog:  “There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.” – By Anonymous

Feature Friday!

Hi out there!
I wanted to finally start using my blog again to get in touch with you all! I will try to blog once a day, if not at least, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Each Monday will be about anything I feel like needs to be issued, or talked about Each Wednesday I will start posting a “What to Wear” day to help you make outfits for your session with me. Easy peasy right? Then of course, each Friday I will try to feature other amazing photographers, and or vendors of my choosing. Each one of them will be near and dear to me, so I hope you like them as much as I do! So here it goes for my first Featured Friday!

DelGuzzo Photography & Buchanan Bow Ties

What’s your name? Erika Buchanan

Describe yourself : I would describe myself as a fun, laid back, creative person

What’s the name of your business(s)? I have 2! DelGuzzo Photography and Buchanan Bow Ties

What’s in your bag? In my bag you’ll find a Canon 5d Mkii, a 50mm 1.8, an 85mm. Business cards, senior promo cards, tissues, gum, water bottle, batteries, pens, notepad, hair ties, bobby pins, and I’m sure lots of other surprises.

When did your career start? My photography career started my freshman year of college. I started charging to make some extra spending money and it just took off from there!

My bow tie business just started about a month ago. I needed a way to make some extra money and I have always loved designing and sewing. I noticed that there are way more vendors for little girls so I wanted to do something for people that need something cute for the little guys!

Why is Photography important to you? Photography is important to me because it’s something that I love and something I believe I’m good at. No matter what kind of mood I’m in. Grabbing my camera and taking pictures is always something that makes me feel better. Photography is a way I feel I can show off all of my creativity and is just something that I can’t imagine my life without!

Who or what influenced you to become a photographer? I started taking pictures in high school; I was always the go to person for pictures for my family, friends, and everyone else. Seeing all of the big photographers in magazines really pushed me to doing this. I would rip out pictures from Teen Vogue and tape them up on my walls in my bedroom for inspiration.

Do you have a favorite photograph? I don’t have one specific favorite…there are way too many fabulous pictures for me to ever pick a favorite!

Was photography just considered as a hobby to you in the past? In the past it was, like in high school. I didn’t even consider it being my career until halfway through college.

What do you enjoy most photographing? My favorite part about being a photographer is gaining relationships with my clients. I love when I get clients that become my friends and are so great to work with.

What motivates you to do what you do? What motivates me are the goals that I set for myself and my business. Knowing that I have people in my life that back me up and support all the goals that I set for myself is a huge help. Oh, and having wonderful clients help me keep wanting to do what I do!



Photography FB Page:


Bow Tie FB Page:


Etsy Shop:  10% off coupon: BOWTIES



What an amazing journey I see here. What do you all think about her? I hope you have fun, and head over to her pages to check her out! Definitely check out her bow ties as well! They are the cutest things in the world, and are of great quality! If you do buy any bows from her, and are interested in a session with me, I will give you a $10 your session fee! Thanks for reading my first Featured Friday!

Starting Over

Hi there! Business is not booming at the moment since all the holiday photos are finished. We will be taking any Valentines day photos this week if needed. If not, we are thinking of doing a mini session in march/april for easter. How many would be interested? We’d love to get atleast 4 people involved. Please email me at SMPhotography@mail.com for further details.

I didn’t like a blog at first, but it seems to push business a little more, and I would love if YOU; my clients get to know me more. I love my clients, fans, friends, and family that support me because I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you!  I still thought about giving up, but people like you help me move on another day. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

Well this was just to get started again. Send me a topic to start for the year 🙂


Shining Moments Photography

Kenley Burt

Oh my goodness! This was one of my favorites shoots in a while. This little girl was GORGEOUS, and had a fun time. It was hot, but she made it well worth it! I’m in love with her candid shots when she doesn’t look. It just feels so emotional and raw of a young child! It was amazing! Here are some wonderful sneak peaks!



Hello world!

I heard a blog would help keep me up to date on my sessions, my fans, and what I do on a day-to-day basis! I thought things would be easier this way for us all to communicate. Especially for those of you who aren’t on Facebook. I’m grateful for all my fans who are supporting me through my wonderful journey. I’m loving every minute of this, and I hope I can just make it up to your expectations! If you guys have any questions or comments about anything, please fill free to email me ANYTIME of day at ( shiningmomentsphotography0@yahoo.com )! I reply quickly, and if not I will reply within the day. I do have a partime job as a sales lead for Gymboree©. A clothing store for children from newborn to age 12! I love my job, and I also love my photography job on the side! Just so that you guys can get to know the name behind the face. My name is Alicia. I was born in Louisiana, but currently reside in Dallas,Texas. Therefore, I only can serve the Dallas area! I am only 19! Yes, only 19! You’re probably saying to yourself right now that ” she must be just another spoiled kid, with a dslr camera ” right? hehe. I’m not a spoiled little kid, but I do own a dslr camera that I earned with my job, and NO help from my parents. I wouldn’t have started this opportunity if it wasn’t for my co-workers Amber and Jessica. They had me take photographs of their children, and they ended up becoming somewhat of a good experience! I then posted them on Facebook, and my hobby only then turned into a job because of the wonderful feedback I got from people I don’t even know! That is what blew me away! People who don’t know me would really pay me for doing something I love! How wonderful is that? My life wouldn’t be what it is today, if I was on my fast track to becoming a nurse, but NOW i don’t know what I want it to be, but I know photography won’t be far behind! I love what I do, and I wouldn’t stop this for anything! Well thank you for all of those who read through this horrible long beginning, but that very informational about me! Get to know me, and I could be your BEST FRIEND! Thank you again, and WELCOME TO MY BLOG<3